Fresh out of “Tiger Blood”: My Support Team

With health being one of my highest priorities for 2011, I decided to assemble a support team to help with with this journey. While I am sure others will be added including my Optibike coach with whom I have not yet been in contact, I thought it would be advisable to recognize some of my key supporters in this process.

1. First, I want to thank God, who I hope to glorify and enjoy forever!

2. My wife and two sons are with me and provide me constant love and support.

3. Dr. S and Dr. Roddy, who are there to support me and make sure I am doing this in a healthy manner.

4. Lisa B., Jeremy K., John D., Linda G., and Judy B.; who have encouraged me and supported me to start the Take Shape For Life Medifast program to help me achieve “optimal health.”

5. My brothers, who always show love, respect, and encouragement to me.

6. My co-workers, especially Tim D., John R., Billy B., John B., and Dale G.; who inspire me through their example of putting health and fitness as a high priority in their lives.

7. Craig T. and my fellow Optibike Weight Loss participants. Reading their blogs helps inspire me to persevere.

8. My other friends and family who are so supportive of me. I am blessed with so many friends and family who encourage me daily that it would be impossible to list them all here.

I encourage everyone to consider your support team. We do not all have “Tiger Blood” and the ability to do as Charlie Sheen claims, by winning at everything we do and just willing ourselves to do anything we want. I choose to take a more conventional approach with a solid support team that I know will love me… tiger blood or not!

During my first 13 days of a new diet and increasing my physical activity, I lost 13 pounds. At that rate, I will be less than zero pounds in a year! It seems to come off so much easier at first. The big battle will be to stick with it. Thanks to everyone who cares, loves, and supports me. I am truly blessed to have each of you.

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